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Silete Venti!

Simone Toni - oboe and conductor


Silete Venti!

Silete Venti!

Simone Toni

Simone Toni

Silete Venti!

Silete Venti!

Simone Toni

Simone Toni

Simone Toni

Simone Toni

Simone Toni

Simone Toni

The orchestra Silete Venti! was created in Milan with the aim of deepening the study of the extraordinary repertoire of the Baroque and Classical periods. An activity which combines the practical aspect, on one hand, with the theoretical and didactic aspects on the other, through the searching of ancient sources and the knowing of the various historical and cultural contexts. The ambitious ideal associates the use of period-instruments with the focus on performing techniques not used yet. Silete Venti! is made up by high-level musicians, awarded with international prizes, already “prime parti” in famous orchestras and professors in prestigious schools, who were joined by very gifted young musicians, to the purpose of assuring them an ambitious and profound training. The high profile of the project allowed Silete Venti! to become soon an important presence in the ancient music area. After the great approval obtained by the compact disc dedicated to the discovery of the Concerto doppio “di Signore Handel” and to the Concerti Grossi op. 3, with Corrado Rovaris as conductor (Sony Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, 2011), Silete Venti! has presented again its beloved music with a long journey dedicated to Antonio Vivaldi. The first two steps have been the cycles of concertos and the recordings of the two discs titled Vivaldi e l’Angelo di avorio: "Late oboe concertos" and "The european journey” They have been welcomed with enthusiastic critics throughout the world and granted with the nomination to the ICMA 2014 and 2015. The orchestra is now dedicated to the recording of the last Vivaldi’s oboe concertos, in a third cd which will be produced by 2015. The journey will then go on with “Il testamento di Vivaldi”. Silete Venti! is finally involved in a successful multiannual programme committed to perform the musical masterpieces dedicated to the Christ's Passion. After the Passio Secundum Johannem by J. S. Bach performed in 2014 and The Messiah by G. F. Handel in 2015, the 2016 will be the year of the Telemann's Brockes- Passion. The founder of the orchestra is Simone Toni.




Vivaldi’s late and particularly rich Oboe Concertos in amazing performances, Simone Toni playing an ‘Angelo di avorio’ (Angel of ivory), an oboe entirely made from one piece of ivory. Toni is a great virtuoso and a fine musician as well. Hence, this Vivaldi is not only energetic, but also opulent, colorful and sensitive. Magnificent!


    Remy Franck (Pizzicato)


Simone Toni, skilful conductor of the ensemble with a very poetic name, Silete Venti! left us with no word, because the two hours execution passed before our eyes in the blink of an eye.


    (Il Giornale)


“Vivaldi aimait les défis. Simone Toni en raffole. Guettons le dernier volume de l’intégrale annoncée. Le hautbois vivaldien a trouvée son maître.”


     Roger-Claude Travers (Diapason)

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