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 Eight voices reinterpret the great musicals

Eight performers will lead you in an journey through four of the most popular periods of the musical history: “Nine”, “West Side Story”, “Jesus Christ Superstar” and “Les Miserables”. The artists (coming back from the last season main productions of Musical in Italy) are live accompanied on piano and introduced with original verve; they face (in costumes) the prestigious songs and choreographies, by exploring all the combinations of ensemble, from the duet to the octet. By doing so they show that in eight is possible to offer the audience not one, but even four classics of the international musical.



Michael Anzalone, Veronica Appeddu, Alessandro Brachetti, Antonio Cadoni, Simona Di Stefano, Giulia Fabbri, Stefania Seculin, Marco Trespioli (Singers)


– Silvia Felisetti (Presenter)

– Amedeo Salvato (Piano)

Stefania Seculin

Stefania Seculin

Alessandro Brachetti

Alessandro Brachetti

Silvia Felisetti

Silvia Felisetti

Michael Anzalone

Michael Anzalone

Simona Distefano

Simona Distefano

© 2014 Reggio Iniziative Culturali S.r.l. - VAT Number 02459410359

via Colsanto n. 13 - 42124 Reggio Emilia - tel. 0522 524714 -

Reggio Iniziative Culturali S.r.l. è iscritta al MEPA - Mercato Elettronico della Pubblica Amministrazione

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