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On Air - Il musical in diretta

Stefania Seculin e Gianluca Sticotti

Stefania Seculin e Gianluca Sticotti

Gianluca Sticotti

Gianluca Sticotti

Stefania Seculin

Stefania Seculin

Gianluca Sticotti

Gianluca Sticotti

Stefania Seculin

Stefania Seculin

If cinema and television have told the radiophonic world from different angles, through "ON AIR" the radio attains the theatre thanks to a special program which tells the world of the musical. The speaker Sara Del Sal uses the classical formula: words and music, with the intervention of the famed musicals’ main characters such as Kate and Fred for “Kiss me Kate”, Eliza and Freddy for “My Fair Lady”, Tony and Maria for “West Side Story”, by offering the public the opportunity to know them and listen to the most renowned arias of these masterpieces.
The scheduled program includes an interview with Guido Contini, main character of “Nine”, a musical inspired by the Fellini’s film “8½”. This is a particular moment, because the words said by the producer evoke all the women who somehow were able to find their own space in his life: his wife, his lover, his inspirational muse...
As it is usual in all radio programs, there is also the appointment with the radio news...when suddenly a Prince Charming enters the studio, a bit confused, searching for his beloved. It is an hilarious scene that is told the listeners-spectators as a bizarre radio commentary, where the princesses of Walt Disney follow one another, determined to court the handsome prince with every means available. Once the prince’s dilemma is resolved, it is the moment of a true princess, who has left a deep mark on the history of Europe, but in the musical she has founded a new freedom and a big passion: Elisabeth, that is Sissi.
The Habsburg princess vents her rebellion on her most renowned aria and she recovers her beloved (it is by no means certain) in a duet which receives thunderous applause. The ending is completely radiophonic: it takes the stock of the situation while leaving at the same time the audience with a great desire of musical…




LEAD VOICE - Gianluca Sticotti 
PIANO - Cristina Santin


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